Advertising Policy regularly seeks sponsorships from relevant organizations and manufacturers dedicated to providing pregnancy, parenting, and preconception information. Although there is a commercial benefit for, sponsor information also benefits you, the user, by providing you with information on quality products and services available in the marketplace.

“Sponsored Content” on is content that has been created by, provided by, or influenced by the named sponsor. The Sponsor is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of Sponsored Content. takes meaningful steps to help ensure that you will not confuse Sponsored Content (content that is influenced by the named sponsor) with content that is original content developed by the editorial team.

For Sponsored Content on, you will find that:

  • All content on that is created, influenced, or provided by a sponsor is identified with the label “Sponsored Content” or “From Our Sponsor.”
  • At the top of each Sponsored page, we place descriptive text to inform you that the content on the page is created, influenced, or provided by the sponsor and is not reviewed by the editorial team for accuracy, objectivity, or balance.
  • You are always informed that content originates from a sponsor before you click to access it, so you are always making an informed decision to view it.
  • The sponsored content carries the copyright of the named sponsor or the rightful copyright owner.
  • The sponsored content includes a descriptive line at the end of the content noting that does not endorse any specific product, service, or treatment.

In addition to Sponsored Content, there are times that third parties offer to provide funding for the creation of content without having any influence over it. These content areas are “Sponsored by…” the named sponsor, but retains editorial control.

In these instances, you will find:

  • We place descriptive text at the top of the page in the “About this special section” link to inform you that the content on the page is created by under sole editorial control.
  • To indicate to you that the content was funded by the named sponsor, we include a “Sponsored by…” label at the top of the page, along with the sponsor logo.
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