0 – 1 week of pregnancy


The first week of pregnancy is not pregnancy as it is. It is the time when your body is thoroughly preparing for one of the main events in life – conception. Nevertheless this period is also very important and specialists always include week one in all pregnancy calendars.

So that you could understand that better, we’ll tell you about two basic methods of reckoning – doctors usually apply both of them.

  • Obstetrical reckoning. In this case, pregnancy counts from the very first day of your latest period. Otherwise, you may consider the days when the flux happened to be the first week of pregnancy. This time becomes the starting point for counting the so-called obstetrical time of delivery – generally it makes up 40 weeks.
  • Calendar reckoning. This method supposes to count from the date of conception. Conception usually occurs during ovulation – that means 13-16 days of a monthly period. For you, that may be difficult to define the date when you exactly conceive. However, up-to-date methods of diagnostics, such as ultrasound scanning, can give doctors a picture of pregnancy in detail including a precise period of it as well. So as you can see, the first week of calendar reckoning turns out to be the third of the obstetrical one. For example, if your doctor tells you that you are 8 weeks pregnant, it means that you conceived 6 weeks ago.

And now let us know what happens to you and your body throughout 1 week of pregnancy

What happens in the first week of pregnancy?

In the first week of the obstetric period, the uterus is actively preparing for a future pregnancy, and the ovaries are in the process of maturation of a new ovum. As we mentioned earlier, at this stage it is too early to affirm that you’ve got pregnant because conception has not occurred, and the fetus hasn’t begun to form yet. However, now your body is prepared for giving start to a new life. That’s why the expectant mother needs to be especially attentive to herself and her health from the very beginning.

However, the first week from conception proceeds quite differently. Fertilized ovum attaches to the uterine wall, and the development of the embryo begins. If you are looking forward to getting pregnant, now you may try to discover the fact of conception with the help of a special blood test.

0 to 1 week of pregnancy. Early signs and symptoms

In the course of the first week of obstetric calculus you are unlikely to discover any symptoms of pregnancy – strictly speaking, you have no grounds for that. Menstrual flux is almost over, the ovum is still preparing to be impregnated. As you can see, conception has not yet occurred.

However, during the first week after conception you may already notice some certain signs. However, a lot of women confuse them with PMS because they are really similar.

You may feel the following:

  • some drowsiness or sickness;
  • unusually strong appetite;
  • nagging abdominal pain;
  • swelling or soreness of your breasts

Certainly, all these symptoms really look like PMS, but in some cases you may feel them a little bit stronger or different from what you normally experience before period. Some women may notice bloody spotting. It is the so-called implantation bleeding and you don’t need to be scared – it happens when the fertilized ovum attaches to the uterus wall. However, if you are anxious about your state it would be better for you to consult with your doctor.

Fetus in pregnancy size. 1 week

During the first obstetric week the ovum is preparing for impregnation. The level of estrogen – the hormone that triggers fertile processes increases. Influenced by estrogen, the ovum begins to mature in the ovary in a special follicle. That lasts about 14 days, then the ovule leaves the follicle and goes down the Fallopian tube to the uterus. This time is called ovulation and is considered optimal for conception – but it rarely lasts more than a day. If the ovum is not impregnated within 24 hours it dies. When conception doesn’t happen, the uterus rejects the prepared lining, and menstrual bleeding begins.

Even in the first week from conception, when the ovum is fertilized, to talk about the size of the fetus seems premature: it is just preparing for important processes. However, after a few days you will be surprised at its quick growth and development.

0 - 1 week of pregnancy

The first week of pregnancy. What to expect?

Since the pregnancy does not come, then you don’t have to expect any special feelings. However, in the course of the third week after the first day of the last menstruation you can try to determine whether you are pregnant or not. The up-to-date method of such diagnostics is a special blood test for defining the content of HCG. It is a very important hormone that is responsible for the safe development of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Its content harshly increases approximately one day 8-10 after conception, so you have the chance to learn the most important news early!

You should also keep in mind that the usual pregnancy tests can’t help you now because they will not give any results. Pharmacy methods are effective only since the first day of delay when the level of HCG is very high and the hormone determines in the urine. If you do not want to spend money on a blood test now, just don’t worry and wait. In 2 or 3 weeks it will be clear, if you are going to become a mother in the nearest future!

Tips for planning pregnancy this month

For women who plan the birth of a child carefully, very important time becomes. Now you need to be ready for all the processes that will occur to you and your body just in a few weeks. After all, proper planning leads to a favorable course of pregnancy and the health of your future baby.

And therefore that will be good to keep to the following guidelines:

•Try to find a good doctor. The word “good” doesn’t mean just a wealth of experience, strong qualifications and ecstatic patient testimonials, but also how comfortable you feel with him. Even if the physician was recommended you as a brilliant specialist, you will hardly have favorable for you and your future baby cooperation if his manner of communication or questions he asks frustrate you. You may have to visit several doctors to determine, who is the best for you. Try not to delay – today is the best time for this.

•Pregnancy week 1 is high time to take care of your health. Give up bad habits (if you still have any), alcohol (even weak drinks) and smoking, try your best to keep to a healthy diet and do not forget about moderate physical exercise.

•If you have any chronic disease, visit the necessary specialists and pass the checkup that your doctor offers you. However, don’t forget – the reception of potent drugs and X-rays for you are strictly forbidden!

•If you have recently taken antibiotics or any other medications, be sure to consult with your doctor! Some drugs can adversely affect conception and the development of a fetus. That is why that would be better for you to tell me about all the medications you took honestly.

•Take care of yourself. Try to visit crowded places as seldom as you can (especially during seasonal epidemiсs), do not use toxic agents when cleaning the house, beware of any contacts with animals. A strong immune system is what you need now!

•Take special supplements or prenatal vitamins. They contain everything that your body needs to be well-prepared for pregnancy. However, do not take vitamins uncontrollably – your doctor can prescribe the most appropriate supplements for you.

Psychological preparation for maternity is also very important. Avoid stress and conflicts, surround yourself with beautiful things, listen to your favorite music, spend time with loved ones, walk in the fresh air. Strong health and nerves and good state of mind are what you need now because in 3-4 weeks you will finally hear one of the most beautiful news in your life!

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